An indirect study of the stellar 34Ar(α,p)38Ca reaction rate through 40Ca (p,t)38Ca reaction measurements
A.M. Long, T. Adachi, M. Beard, G. P. A. Berg, Z. Buthelezi, J. Carter, M. Couder, R. J. deBoer, R. W. Fearick, S. V. Fortsch, J. Gores, J. P. Mira, S. H. T. Murray, R. Neveling, P. Papka, F. D. Smit, E. Sideras-Haddad, J. A. Swartz, R. Talwar, I. T. Usman, M. Wiescher, J. J. Van Zyl, and A. Volya
Physical Review C 95, 055803 (2017)
α-unbound levels in 34Ar from 36Ar(p,t)34Ar reaction measurements and implication for the astrophysical 30S(α,p)33Cl reaction rate
A.M. Long, T. Adachi, M. Beard, G. P. A. Berg, Z. Buthelezi, J. Carter, M. Couder, R. J. deBoer, R. W. Fearick, S. V. Fortsch, J. Gores, J. P. Mira, S. H. T. Murray, R. Neveling, P. Papka, F. D. Smit, E. Sideras-Haddad, J. A. Swartz, R. Talwar, I. T. Usman, M. Wiescher, J. J. Van Zyl, and A. Volya
Physical Review C 97, 054613 (2018)
Determination of 20Ne(p,γ)21Na cross sections from Ep = 500−2000 keV
S. Lyons, J. Görres, R.J. deBoer, E. Stech, Y. Chen, G. Gilardy, Q. Liu, A.M. Long, M. Moran, D. Robertson, C. Seymour, B. Vande Kolk, and M. Wiescher
Physical Review C 97, (2018)
Probing astrophysically important states in the 26Mg nucleus to study neutron sources for the s-process
Talwar, R., Adachi, T., Berg, G.P.A., Bin, L., Bisterzo, S., Couder, M., DeBoer, R.J., Fang, X., Fujita, H., Fujita, Y., Görres, J., Hatanaka, K., Itoh, T., Kadoya, T., Long, A., Miki, K., Patel, D., Pignatari, M., Shimbara, Y., Tamii, A., Wiescher, M., Yamamoto, T., Yosoi, M.
Physical Review C 97, (2018)
Low energy neutron background in deep underground laboratories
A. Best, J. Görres, M. Junker, K.-L. Kratz, M. Laubenstein, A. Long, S. Nisi, K. Smith, M. Wiescher
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 812 (2016)
(α,γ) cross section measurements in the region of light p nuclei
Quinn, S.J., Spyrou, A., Simon, A., Battaglia, A., Bowers, M., Bucher, B., Casarella, C., Couder, M., Deyoung, P.A., Dombos, A.C., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Li, Q., Long, A., Moran, M., Paul, N., Pereira, J., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Smith, M.K., Stech, E., Talwar, R., Tan, W.P., Wiescher, M.
Physics Review C 92, (2015)
Systematic study of (α,γ) reactions for stable nickel isotopes
Simon, A., Beard, M., Spyrou, A., Quinn, S.J., Bucher, B., Couder, M., DeYoung, P.A., Dombos, A.C., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Long , A., Moran, M.T., Paul, N., Pereira, J., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Stech, E., Talwar, R., Tan, W.P., Wiescher, M
Physics Review C 92 (2015)
‘First Direct Measurement of 12C(12C,n)23Mg at Stellar Energies
Bucher, B., Tang, X.D., Fang, X., Heger, A., Almaraz-Calderon, S., Alongi, A., Ayangeakaa, A.D., Beard, M., Best, A., Browne, J., Cahillane, C., Couder, M., Deboer, R.J., Kontos, A., Lamm, L., Li, Y.J., Long, A., Lu, W., Lyons, S., Notani, M., Patel, D., Paul, N., Pignatari, M., Roberts, A., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Stech, E., Talwar, R., Tan, W.P., Wiescher, M, Woosley, S.E.
Physical Review Letters 114 (2015)
First application of the γ-summing technique in inverse kinematics
Quinn, S.J., Spyrou, A., Simon, A., Battaglia, A., Bowers, M., Bucher, B., Casarella, C., Couder, M., Deyoung, P.A., Dombos, A.C., Greene, J.P., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Li, Q., Long, A., Moran, M., Paul, N., Pereira, J., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Smith, M.K., Stech, E., Talwar, R., Tan, W.P., Wiescher, M.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 575 (2014)
Measurement of the 58Ni(α,γ)62Zn reaction and its astrophysical impact
Quinn, S.J., Spyrou, A., Bravo, E., Rauscher, T., Simon, A., Battaglia, A., Bowers, M., Bucher, B., Casarella, C., Couder, M., Deyoung, P.A., Dombos, A.C., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Li, Q., Long, A., Moran, M., Paul, N., Pereira, J., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Smith, M.K., Stech, E., Talwar, R., Tan, W.P., Wiescher, M.
Physics Review C 89 (2014)
Measurement of the 90,92Zr(p,γ)91,93Nb reactions for the nucleosynthesis of elements near A=90
Spyrou, A., Quinn, S.J., Simon, A., Rauscher, T., Battaglia, A., Best, A., Bucher, B., Couder, M., Deyoung, P.A., Dombos, A.C., Fang, X., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Li, Q., Lin, L.Y., Long, A., Lyons, S., Meyer, B.S., Roberts, A., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Smith, M.K., Stech, E., Stefanek, B., Tan, W.P., Tang, X.D., Wiescher, M.
Physics Review C 88 (2013)
Testing the mutually enhanced magicity effect in nuclear incompressibility via the giant monopole resonance in the 204,206,208Pb isotopes
Patel, D., Garg, U., Fujiwara, M., Adachi, T., Akimune, H., Berg, G.P.A.,Harakeh, M.N., Itoh, M., Iwamoto, C., Long, A., Matta, J.T., Murakami, T., Okamoto, A., Sault, K., Talwar, R., Uchida, M., Yosoi, M.
Physics Letters B 726 (2013)
Systematic study of (p,γ) reactions on Ni isotopes
Simon, A., Spyrou, A., Rauscher, T., Fröhlich, C., Quinn, S.J., Battaglia, A., Best, A., Bucher, B., Couder, M., Deyoung, P.A., Fang, X., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Li, Q., Lin, L.-Y., Long, A., Lyons, S., Roberts, A., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Smith, M.K., Stech, E., Stefanek, B., Tan, W.P., Tang, X.D., Wiescher, M.
Physics Review C 87 (2013)
SuN: Summing NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector for capture reaction measurements
Simon, A., Quinn, S.J., Spyrou, A., Battaglia, A., Beskin, I., Best, A., Bucher, B., Couder, M.,Deyoung, P.A., Fang, X., Görres, J., Kontos, A., Li, Q., Liddick, S.N., Long, A., Lyons, S.,Padmanabhan, K., Peace, J., Roberts, A., Robertson, D., Smith, K., Smith, M.K., Stech, E., Stefanek, B., Tan, W.P., Tang, X.D., Wiescher, M.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 730 (2013)
Recent Nuclear Astrophysics Measurements using the TwinSol Separator
Bardayan, D.W., Ahn, T., Allen, J., Becchetti, F.D., Blackmon, J.C., Brodeur, M., Frentz, B., Gupta,Y.K., Hall, M.R., Hall, O., Henderson, S., Hu, J., Kelly, J.M., Kolata, J.J.,Long, A., Long, J., Macon,K., Nicoloff, C., O’Malley, P.D., Ostdiek, K., Pain, S.D., Riggins, J., Schultz, B.E., Smith, M., Strauss, S., Torres-Isea, R.O.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 703 (2016)